WADAN is implementing the UNHCR funded Persons with Specific Needs (PSN) project in the five participating provinces (Kandahar, Hilmand, Zabul, Uruzgan and Nimroz) of the southern region. Project main aim is to respond to specific needs of persons of concern who are unable to access other services and who do not receive adequate assistance and protection from existing services and community mechanisms. Project is started in February 2022. Till date, WADAN has assisted (6110) vulnerable peoples across the region. Various categories of the population were considered including Internally Displaced People (IDPs), IDP-Returnees, Refugees, Refugee-Returnees and Members of the Host Communities, and as well as male and females. 65% of the beneficiaries assisted are female. Further, WADAN has identified and selected over 1582 POCs in Kandahar, 1271 in Helmand, 1258 in Oruzgan, 995 in Zabul, and 1004 in Nimroz province.
Prior distributing the packages to the beneficiaries, WADAN has conducted a thorough mapping of the target locations and a comprehensive assessment was conducted to identify the beneficiaries based established criteria. And then, WADAN has distributed the packages based on beneficiaries specific and individual needs and priorities. Beneficiaries were supported through different support packages and modalities.
Project Goal and Objectives
The overall goals of this project at official borders are to monitor inflow and outflow movements by collecting systematically adequate protection information from Afghan returnees/deportees as well as those moving from Afghanistan to Iran and to Pakistan while in unofficial borders the main goal is to monitor and collect protection information through key informant interviews.
Brief Introduction
The Welfare Association for the Development of Afghanistan (WADAN) is the implementing partner for the Border Monitoring Project, which covers two (2) official borders (Spin Boldak – Kandahar and Milak – Nimroz) and eight (8) unofficial borders (Dak and Pung Reg-Chaharburjak-NRZ, Shin Nari and Salisoon – Marouf- KDH, Bahramcha, and Charaban- Dishu- HLD, Karwan Rah- Gramsir- HLD, and Badini- Shamulzai- Zabul) of the southern region. This project is implemented in close coordination with (UNHCR) and relevant institutions, counterparts and stakeholders in the participating provinces.
Overview of Official Borders
Target: Conduct 60,000 protection interviews (covering both inflow and outflow) at Kandahar (Spin Boldak) and Nimroz (Milak), as well as 400 KIIs across eight unofficial border points in the southern region.
Achieved: Starting from 01 Jan till 25 Nov 2024, a total of 61,695 (56,127 male & 5,568 female) protection interviews are carried out in both Spin Boldak and Milak official borders, 384 KIIs and there are 8 unofficial borders.
Risks & Challenges Encountered in Implementation
The overall implementation of the border monitoring is smooth without encountering any major challenge.
Border Protection Interview/Milak Border-Nimroz/Passport Holder/ Matiullah Katibi @WADAN.
CBI is the UNHCR funded project. WADAN is implementing this project from February 2022 in the southern zone. This is an intervention in which cash or vouchers for goods or services are provided to refugees and other UNHCR persons of concern (PoC) either as individuals or as representatives of a community. WADAN provides cash to the UNHCR’s concerned people or people of concerns under the following categories:
Multipurpose cash grants (MPGs) are regular or one-off cash transfers to a household that fully or partially cover a set of basic or recovery needs in different sectors (for instance, for shelter, food, education, and livelihood) and support protection and solutions outcomes. From Feb/2022 till Dec/2023, WADAN has distributed MPGs packages to total of 12525 HHs in five participating provinces of the southern region.
Cash for Reintegration: Cash for reintegration is distributed to total 15357 HHs in five participating provinces.
Cash for transportation and winterization is distributed to total 5029 HHs in the target locations, and to those beneficiaries who were identified during the Rapid Assessment.
Supplementary CARE is distributed in 2023 to a total of 263 HHs in five participating provinces.
transportation tokens are distributed in 2023 to total of 178 HHs in five participating provinces.
WADAN has conducted (RHAF), Rapid Household Assessment from February 2022 till December, 2023 based on the UNCHR’s RHAF guideline to identify the concerned (PoCs) in hard-to-reach areas of the southern region. WADAN has identified or assessed a total of 28,599.